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Barbarian's Lady: A SciFi Alien Romance (Ice Planet Barbarians Book 14) Page 13

  I frown to myself, because that doesn’t make sense to me. “Isn’t warm weather good for traveling?”

  He shakes his head. “It has not snowed in several days, and today was warmer than expected. If it continues to be warm, it will be sky-claw weather.”

  “Okay, I’ll bite. What’s a sky-claw?”

  “It is a great flying predator. Many teeth.” He picks up the leather skin on his lap, careful not to spill the bone shards, and folds it carefully, setting it aside. “They are dangerous to humans.”

  I swallow hard, imagining enormous birds with lots of sharp teeth. “They eat humans?”

  “One tried to eat Jo-see,” Harrec agrees. Then he reaches back and puts a hand on my hip. “But she is much smaller than you. These long legs would not fit into a sky-claw mouth.”

  I give his shoulder a smack at his teasing. “Very funny.” I step away, because that’s enough massaging if he’s going to make height cracks.

  He only grins and puts his arms around my waist, dragging me into his lap. “I like your long legs. And your long arms. And your long hands. And your long tongue.” He presses a kiss to my jaw.

  I choke back horrified laughter. “My long tongue? You sweet talker, you. It’s amazing you remained single for so long.”

  “I like your tongue,” Harrec says, grinning. He puts a hand to my cheek and pulls me in for a quick kiss. “It feels delightfully long to me.”

  “That so? Because I haven’t completely used it to the best of its ability, you know.” I slide my arms around his neck and do my best to look innocent, even though my heart is pounding in my chest. That’s as bold as I’ve ever gotten with him. Maybe if I hint that I want to go down on him, he’ll go down on me.

  I swear, I’m like a kid that can’t wait for Christmas.

  But he only grunts and gives my hip a pat. “We will tether together as we journey, just to be safe. They are predators that prefer to scoop up their prey, and as long as they cannot lift you off the ground, you should be safe.”

  Wait, what? I stare at him. How is it I blatantly just offered to tongue his dick and he’s back to talking about sky-claws?

  He just shakes his head and strokes my loose curls, twining one around his finger. “Do not worry. I will keep you safe.”

  “Great,” I say faintly. Then I wonder…he does know what a blowjob is, right? Or is that not done with the sa-khui people? I find that hard to believe. Or maybe…maybe he doesn’t want one?

  Nah. Every dude wants his dick sucked. I’m a virgin and even I know that. Maybe I’m just being too subtle.

  “We will leave at first light,” Harrec promises. “So we will pack our things tonight and rest up.” He toys with my curl a bit longer and then nuzzles my throat. “Bed soon.”

  “Mmm. I guess we should get your practice out of the way soon then, huh?”

  He pulls back and grimaces. “Perhaps we should leave that for some other time—”

  “Nope.” I poke a finger in his chest. “It’s important. You need this just as much as I need my flirting practice.” Though to be honest “flirting” practice has pretty much just turned into making out.

  I have no issue with this, of course.

  But after days of working on it, I don’t know that Harrec’s any better when it comes to his own blood. I’ve threatened pricking his finger and that’s enough to make the man nearly pass out. Through a lot of talking and soothing, sometimes we’re able to get further than that, but every time it has the same result. Harrec gets violently ill.

  It’s no wonder he doesn’t want to do it, but I feel like it’s vital for his safety—and mine. What if he gets cut accidentally while we’re traveling? I can’t hope that I’ll be able to carry him to safety every time.

  “Perhaps we should skip it this evening,” Harrec says, and presses a kiss to my earlobe. “We could go straight to our furs.”

  “No, it’s important,” I tell him, sliding out of his grip. I climb out of his lap and go to get my knife from its spot on the wall. “If we’re both going to get better, we have to practice. And yours is far more important than mine.”

  He snorts. “I do not believe that.”

  “Yeah, well, humor me.” I turn and hold up my small knife and then point at the stool. “Sit.”

  Harrec gets to his feet, and as he does, I can tell he’s already getting queasy. There’s a sickly cast to his blue skin, and I recognize the expression on his face. This is the opposite of what we wanted to achieve. Instead of him getting worked up when he gets cut, now he just gets worked up at the thought of getting cut.

  I need to think of a way to change this, somehow. To distract him from the blood. I move forward and sit in his lap, just like we have in the past. His arms go around me, and he presses a kiss to my shoulder, and I feel a surge of affection for the big lug. I know he’s trying hard. It’s just…not working very well for him.

  I take his hand in mine and smooth my fingers up and down his big palm, rubbing it. “This isn’t a new development, is it? Your fear of your blood?”

  He shakes his head.

  “What happens when you are hunting and you cut yourself?”

  He gives me a crooked, embarrassed grin. “I hope that I land someplace soft.”

  I make an exclamation in my throat. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about this planet, it’s that it’s not exactly safe. There are wild animals everywhere, and rocky cliffs, and so much snow that Antarctica would be jealous. I can’t imagine Harrec out in the field and passing out cold with no one around to look after him or have his back. “That scares the crap out of me, you know.”

  He nods slowly, watching as I trace his palm. “I know it can be dangerous, but I cannot be a burden to the tribe. Every able-bodied hunter is needed.”

  “All the more reason for you to work past this,” I tell him gently.

  There’s a look of utter frustration on his face. “You think I have not tried to work past this? To put it beyond my mind?”

  “I know you have.” I stroke his hand as I hold it. “Is it something that’s happened to you recently, or have you always been like this?”

  He shrugs. “It has been a long, long time.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “I can guess.” His hand closes around mine, and he grips me tightly. “I told you that my parents died on a hunt, yes? At the salt lake? They were trying to bring in a ta-li, except it pulled them under and capsized their raft. Many died that day.”

  I nod, because he’s told me this before.

  “I was there, on the beach with Eklan and Warrek and the others.” His face is carefully blank, no hint of his laughing personality showing. “My mother did not want to leave me behind at the cave with the others, so I came with them, even though I was far too young to hunt. I stayed on the shore with Eklan, who was injured and teaching his son Warrek how to catch fish in nets. We were too far away to help out and had to watch as the ta-li killed everyone.” He shakes his head. “It is a bad memory.”

  I bite my lip to keep from exclaiming in horror. Of course it’s a bad memory. It sounds like an awful one. He’s incredibly strong to even be able to talk about it.

  “It was a very bad time, but worse came that next morning, when the remains of their raft washed back to shore.” He closes his eyes, composing himself. “My parents were still on it…at least, parts of them. All I remember is blood. Blood and hands. Eklan took me away before I could see more, but the worst was done. Ever since then, I have had trouble with blood.” He opens his eyes and gazes down at our locked hands. “Not any blood, of course. I can bring down a kill like any hunter. But the sight of my own? I cannot do it. It makes my mind shut down, and I cannot go forward. I think it is because of that day.”

  “Oh, Harrec,” I breathe, and put my arms around his neck, tucking my head against his shoulder. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that.”

  “I am as well,” he says, rubbing my back. “Do not be sad for me, pretty Kate. This is
a harsh life at times, but it is also a good one. I am told my parents were very happy for many seasons prior to my birth. They were pleasure-mates long before they resonated, so I like to think they lived a life of happiness together and had no regrets. They left this life as they lived it—hunting fiercely, and always together.”

  That’s a good way of looking at things, I suppose, but it doesn’t change the fact that they left behind a scarred and orphaned little boy. “So that’s why you get so sick when you see your own blood,” I murmur. “You’re picturing that day, somehow, in your mind.”

  He shrugs and looks uncomfortable again, and it breaks my heart to see my strong, smiling Harrec look so downcast.

  “We just need to make you think of other things,” I tell him, and sit back. I take his hand in mine again and put it on my breast. “Like that.”

  He perks up, giving my breast a little squeeze. “I admit this is to my liking.”

  “See? We just need to distract you a bit more.” I slide a little closer to him. “Instead of thinking about how I’m going to prick your finger, why not think about how I’m going to…handle your prick?” And I take his hand off my breast and caress his palm again, sliding my fingers over his skin.

  “My prick?” He frowns and then gives an “ah” of realization. “My cock.”

  “That’s right. If you make it through tonight’s test, I’ll give you special treatment.” My heart’s racing at being so forward, but I’m excited as much as I am aroused.

  “Oh? What is this special treatment?”

  I take his finger and bring it to my lips. Then, slowly and very deliberately, I lick the tip and then take his finger into my mouth and suck on it.

  His lips part, and his gaze becomes unfocused. He stares at my mouth, fascinated.

  I drag my tongue over his finger as I pull it free from his mouth and then lick my lips. “Think you can do this for me?”

  But he just looks shocked and keeps staring at his hand cradled in mine. “You would…put your mouth on my cock? Is this what you promise?”

  “Uh, yeah?” I don’t know if he’s freaking out because it’s taboo or not, and my confidence sinks a little.

  “Humans…do that?”

  I have to laugh a little at that. “Yes, we do. You said you would put your mouth on my cunt. How is that any different than me putting my mouth on your cock?”

  He looks dumbfounded. “But it is my job to give my mate pleasure.”

  I’ll unpack that “mate” comment in a minute, I decide. For now, I’m too focused on the fact that he’s never heard of a blowjob. “I can’t believe the guys in your tribe don’t talk about this. There’s a bunch of them with human mates. No one mentioned their mate, you know, going down on them?”

  “They would not talk about their mates like that.” He shakes his head. “A hunter does not share what he does with his mate in the furs once they are mated. It is private.”

  Well, that’s nice to hear. “Do you not want it, then? Because I’m offering, but you certainly don’t have to take me up on it—”

  “I want,” he says immediately, and his hand squeezes mine. “Do not doubt that I want.” He pulls me closer and presses his mouth to mine in a fervent, intense kiss that leaves me breathless. “But perhaps we can skip the finger pricking and go straight to the play.”

  Oh, so that’s what this is? A distraction? I push back on his chest. “Nice try, but no. This is serious, and it could affect your life, Harrec. What if there’s another glacier? Or another dangerous situation? Would you really put me in danger over something like this?”


  “Good. It’s settled. Then we’ll practice.” I don’t pull out my needle yet, but I give him my most unyielding look.

  Harrec contemplates for a long time, his focus on my mouth. I remain silent, letting him work through this. I can only push so far, after all.

  And I know he’s going to give in when the hand in mine clenches, and sweat breaks out on his forehead. “Do it, but be quick.”

  I nod. I’m not going to give him time to chicken out, either. I lean over and pick up the awl waiting nearby and hold his hand steady. “Count to three for me please.”

  “One,” he breathes, ragged.

  I swiftly jab his finger, just a little prick.

  He makes a groan like he’s dying, and his eyes flutter back.

  “Harrec,” I call. “Stay with me, baby.” I move my free hand over his cock and rub the bulge there. “If you pass out, we don’t get to have fun.”

  He groans again, his head swaying. His color is awful, but he’s not passed out. This is good. This is progress.

  “It’s just a tiny drop of blood on your finger,” I promise him. “You’ve got this. You’re doing fantastic. And you’re going to love it when I suck on your cock.” My cheeks feel hot as fire, but it’s important to keep him with me, to keep him focused.

  His eyes flutter again, and his throat works, as if he’s trying mightily not to be sick. “Enough?” he asks eventually.

  “Enough,” I agree, and lick the tiny bead of blood off his finger, sucking on the tip as a reward. “You were so good,” I coo at him.

  Harrec growls low in his throat, tail flicking mightily. “It is gone?” His voice is hoarse.

  “All gone,” I promise. “I licked it away.”

  He leans forward and cups my face in his hands, then kisses me hard and fast. I’m startled by this and the intensity of his need, but I’m moaning seconds later because his tongue dives against mine in such a perfect way. He knows just how to kiss me, every stinking time.

  Harrec leans forward, and to my surprise, he pushes both of us to the ground, me pinned underneath him. His hand goes between my thighs, and he rubs me, hard, through the leather of my leggings. “Are you wet for me, pretty Kate?”

  I give him a squeaky yes, because I wasn’t expecting him to turn the tables on me. “Harrec, I thought—”

  “There will be time enough for that,” he tells me, tugging at my leggings. “You promised me a reward. I will take it now.”

  “Oh.” He would rather go down on me than have me blow him? Oh god, why is that so damn sexy? I moan and lift my hips so he can pull my pants off.

  Then I’m naked from the waist down, and I barely have time to say anything before he lifts my hips in his arms and plants his mouth right on my folds.

  I gasp—I can’t help it. There’s something so immediate and intense about his mouth there. My hands fly to his horns, and I hold on to them tightly. I don’t want him to stop. I want him to do whatever he freaking wants.

  Harrec closes his eyes and groans deep. “Your taste…so good, Kate.” I can feel his tongue swipe over my pussy. “So very good.”

  “I—I’m glad?” I mean, what do you say to a guy who’s complimenting you like this?

  “Must have more,” he rasps, and drags his tongue up and down, licking up my wetness. I squirm at the sensation, because it feels good but not the mind-blowing orgasm machine I’ve been led to expect. I relax and decide to let him do as he pleases and try not to contort or shove his face too much if he does something right. This is about him, I lie to myself.

  All. About. Him.

  Of course, then his tongue goes and flicks against my core and I forget all about my promise to myself. “Oooh!”

  “You like that?”

  “I like all of it,” I manage to choke out through embarrassment. “Do what you please.”

  “I shall,” he murmurs, and then licks me slow and thorough, and I admit my legs tremble at the sensation. I’m dying to squirm against him, because it’s maddeningly ticklish as well as pleasurable, but I’m doing my best to hold still.

  Harrec gives me another slow, thorough lick, exploring my folds with his tongue. He drags it over my clit, and I clench involuntarily, because it feels really damn good. He chuckles and then begins to circle my clit with the tip of his tongue.

  And things go from pleasant and ticklish to mind-b
lowing, after all. I arch, moaning, and when he chuckles again, I can feel his breath against my skin. He braces my thigh against his shoulder and lowers his head once more and continues to lick me with those deep drags of his tongue.

  I lose myself in the movements of his tongue, and when he begins to speed up, I start to grind against him despite my efforts to stay still. I can’t, any more than I can stay silent. I’m making wild, strange little noises in my throat that should probably be words but just end up being incoherent. All the while, he just licks and licks and licks me. I feel need spiraling deep inside my belly, building slowly. “Oh, that’s really good,” I breathe, whimpering when he rewards me with another thoughtful lick.

  As if his tongue isn’t enough to drive me crazy, I feel him press a finger at the entrance of my core. He pushes into me slowly and then begins to thrust, dragging his finger in and out while he makes love to my clit. All of the blood pumping in my veins seems to be rushing between my thighs, and I can feel the orgasm building like an oncoming storm, lingering just on the horizon. Close enough to see, but not close enough to hit.

  Then he pushes a second finger inside me, stretching me, and his thrusts become quicker, more intense. His lips close over my clit, and he gives it the gentlest little suck.

  And that storm that seemed so far away explodes through my body all at once. I’m wailing out his name as I come, my thighs shuddering and clamping around his head, and all the while, he keeps licking and thrusting those fingers into me.

  By the time he’s finished, I’m panting and exhausted, my body boneless and limp on the cave floor. He gently sets my hips down on the ground and then leans in to lick me one last time. “So good,” he murmurs, and presses a kiss to the pale curls covering my sex.

  He nuzzles me again, and my body feels so sensitive I push his head away with a moan. “Not yet. Give me a moment.”

  Harrec chuckles. “Only a moment, then. I am hungry for you already.”

  Oh god. This man is going to kill me. I want to clamp my legs together, but he’s already gazing down at my pussy with a proprietary look on his face, as if he’s just waiting for my okay to dive back in again.