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Bridget's Bane: A SciFi Alien Romance Page 22

  I swallow my giggle, because naturally that's his answer. They don't value words like we do. The islanders—like the sa-khui—prefer to show their affection. Love and monogamy is assumed the moment someone resonates, which makes sense, really. I know I haven't been able to think about anything or anyone but A'tam since my khui started purring. Of course he's unfazed by a declaration of love. He assumed I was already in love with him, no doubt.

  It feels good to realize it myself, though. To acknowledge it. We'll find a way to make things work between us, I tell myself. While my insides cringe at the thought of having penis-in-vagina sex with A'tam again, there's got to be a way we can make it work. We'll get there eventually, I tell myself.

  For now, though, we can take our time and please each other.

  I smile down at him and kiss his mouth, then move lower. My skin still feels flushed from my orgasm, and I feel boneless and loose, my pulse humming almost as loud as my khui. Between my thighs, I'm wet and slippery, but that's fine. I'll clean up later. For now, I'm going to ignore all of that and concentrate on my lover. I press a kiss to the center of his chest, and then creep steadily lower, kissing again at the middle of his stomach and then below his navel.

  He lets out a ragged breath. "You…I thought you said you would tug."

  "Changed my mind," I say in a low voice. "I thought I'd use my mouth instead. Is that okay?"

  A'tam groans and props up on his elbows, his tail flicking madly against the blankets. "I want to watch."

  I swallow another giggle. That is who A'tam is, and his eagerness doesn't surprise me. I kiss my way down a bit more, and then sit up, studying his cock. It's definitely as large as I remember…possibly larger. The head of him is thick, with a prominent ridge around the mushroom tip. Ridges dance along his impressive length and veins trace the skin between them. His cock is flushed a deeper shade of blue than the rest of him, and the head of him is slick with pre-cum, bead after bead dripping down his skin. I put my hand near the base, measuring him. Bigger than I remember for sure. I slide my fingers around the base and my grip is not even close to closing. I swallow hard, trying not to get all nervous again. Nothing's going to happen, I remind myself. Tonight is just about pleasure.

  "It is big, isn't it?" A'tam casts me a worried look. "Too big."

  I never believed in such a thing before I met him. Size was just something you hoped for in a partner. If he had a larger than average dick, yay! If not, no big deal. But A'tam isn't just larger than average. He's larger than I can handle, and that fills me with all kinds of anxiety and dread, even as I squeeze my fingers around the base of him.

  "You do not have to—" he begins, voice thick.

  "No," I say quickly. "I want to do this for you. I might not be able to fit a lot into my mouth, but I can still make you feel good." I give him a confident smile that I'm mostly faking, because I don't want to hurt his feelings, not after he's made me feel so wonderful. I can work with whatever he's bringing to the table, as long as I'm prepared, I remind myself. When I'm ready to take on his Godzilla dick, there are things we can use. Slick oils we can try to use as lube. Lots and lots of foreplay.

  And if that all fails, all he needs to do to get our khuis to stop humming wildly is to get me pregnant. We can always try manual ways if nothing else. He can stick the tip in maybe, and we can figure it out from there. There's nothing to get panicked over just yet, especially not when it's just a blowjob.

  So I take a deep breath, give him my most sultry smile, and then lick the head of his cock.

  A'tam makes an unholy sound. He jerks against my grip, and in the next moment, he spills over. Hot cum floods over the tip of his cock, covering my hand and spattering against my chin.

  Oops. Okay, so that didn't go as planned. I bite my lip, looking up at him as his head flings back and his hips quake with the force of his release. His seed is thick and hot, and far more of it flows out of him than I expected. Poor guy was holding a lot in, and I give him a little squeeze of my fingers again as he sucks in deep breaths, trying to get ahold of himself.

  He flops back down into the blankets and covers his eyes with his hand. "I…did not mean to do that." He's still gulping for breath, his chest heaving, and the cock in my hand is as hard as ever.

  I peel my sticky fingers off of him. "It's okay," I say softly. "We're both still kinda new to each other. We'll figure it all out. I'll just make you feel good next time, deal?"

  He gives me a little smile. "Deal."



  After we give each other quick wipe-down baths, we snuggle up together under the furs and talk for what feels like hours. Our conversation is about nothing in particular, from the type of knot he's trying out on his nets to the silly contest for the metal blade, to Veronica and Ashtar's new baby. It's nice to just talk and drowse, and I fall asleep with my head cradled on A'tam's chest, his hand trailing up and down my spine languidly.

  I wake up a short time later to the buzzing sound of a lawnmower. I blink awake, and then I realize that it's not a mower at all, but A'tam's khui. My ear is pressed to his chest still, and his khui is so loud that it's pulled me out of sleep. I listen to it for a moment, the urgent sound of it, and when A'tam shifts slightly, then inhales, I realize he's not asleep at all.

  "A'tam?" I say softly, looking up.

  He groans, the sound pained. "I did not mean to wake you."

  I trail my fingers down his naked side. He's warm, the velvet of his skin always wonderful to touch. "Can't you sleep?"

  He buries his face in my hair. "I tried. But then I thought of your taste. And the sounds you make when you come. And how you got so wet when—"

  "Okay, okay." I press my fingers to his lips to quiet him. "I get the picture."

  "Give me a moment." He kisses the fingers I have against his lips and tugs me closer. "I will relax again soon. Go back to sleep."

  I'm no longer sleepy anymore though. I move my hand down his chest and then reach between us, where Goliath is resting. Or rather, Goliath is not resting. A'tam's cock is rock hard and scorching hot. Him relaxing “soon” is a damn lie. With a little smile curving my lips, I think about how he lost his control earlier and came the moment I licked him. It was like the idea had never occurred to him in his life, and he was so astonished he forgot to keep himself in check.

  I like the thought of blowing his mind. Even more, I like the thought of doing it again.

  So I stroke my fingers lightly along the ridges of his cock. "I don't think all of you is going to relax," I whisper. "I think parts of you might need help."

  "Br'chit," he pants, clutching me tight against him. "My lovely Br'chit. I am the luckiest male alive."

  I like that the name that falls from his lips is not B'shit. Funny how something as small as a name can be erotic, but it is. I sit up, easing him onto his back, and then kiss my way down his belly again. "Should I just use my hands this time and not my mouth?" I ask softly.

  "Do as you please," he tells me, his hand moving through my hair even as his big body shifts restlessly on the furs. "I will love all of it."

  Well, I knew that much. Amused, I slide down his thighs, until I'm face to face with the dick of my nightmares. It looks just as intimidating as I remember, all ridges and prominent head and stabby spur. I run my fingers up and down his length with a little sigh, wishing I didn't have that bad memory to ruin things. If I didn't know already how things ended, it might be fun to discover more about this big, thick dick. As it is, everything I do is tinged with a little bit of apprehension. When I stroke his length, I worry he's too long. When I run a finger over the head of him, I can't help but think of a battering ram. When I press a kiss to his scorchingly hot skin, I think about how he's not even going to remotely fit into the back of my throat.

  But this is A'tam. He deserves to have a fantastic orgasm too, especially after the brilliant ones he's given me recently. I want that for him. I want to blow his mind.

  So I try to focus on
the good things. "Your skin is so soft here," I coo, my voice husky as I let my breath fan over his length. I press little nibbling kisses up the side. "It's like the softest hide ever, but over the hardest of rock."

  He groans, the breath huffing out of him in great big gulps. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut, his hand in my hair still. I want to joke with him that he's not watching this time, but maybe that's on purpose. Maybe he's trying to hold out longer and knows he won't if he watches me work him. For some reason, I find that achingly sweet, and I give him a teasing little lick.

  A'tam's hips lift off the furs.

  I…rather like that response. Biting back a smile, I place my hand gently against the side of his cock and lick him all the way up the other side, from the base of his shaft to the tip, and circle my tongue around the head before I pull away. "Your skin is so warm," I murmur. "And flushed here, like all the blood in your body has headed this way."

  "Br'chit," he moans, his hand tight in my hair. "You…your mouth is a tease."

  Oh, I know it is. I've barely gotten started. I'm actually starting to enjoy this. Despite my momentary concern over his size, I'm loving the sense of power I have over him, how it feels to know that I can give him oodles of pleasure, or withhold it entirely. He's at my mercy, and I'm digging the turn of the tables. So it might look a little ridiculous for me to go down on him. So it might look like I'm sucking on a baseball bat or something. It doesn't matter. As long as he enjoys himself and I do too, it's all good.

  I wrap my hand around his shaft as best I can, holding him steady, and I lick the head in my best porn-star imitation. I give him long, sultry licks. I tease the tip with swirls and nips. I caress every inch of that big, thick cock with my tongue. A'tam's doing his best to distract me from my mission to pleasure him, too. His hands are frantic as they move over my shoulders and my hair, as if he doesn't quite know what to do with himself but doesn't want to interrupt my ministrations. His tail lashes wildly every time I lick him, and he's making such sounds. Just hearing how lost he is gets me hot and bothered.

  His enjoyment fuels mine, and I start to whisper filthy things between teasing licks. "Do you like my mouth on your cock? Does it feel soft and wet?" I flick him with my tongue. "You're so hard, A'tam. So big and hard that I can't fit my hand around you."

  He goes still under me. "No. Wait."

  I sit up, looking at him in surprise. My mouth is all wet from licking him, and I swipe at my lips. "No?"

  A'tam looks conflicted. His eyes are hooded with arousal, his mouth plump and full as if he's been biting his lips. But he looks worried. "Big and hard is bad, yes?"

  "Oh. No, it's okay." I feel guilty at seeing the concern on his face. Boy, I've really done a number on both of us. Not that he's not equally to blame, but I don't want that dark cloud hanging over our heads for the rest of our lives. "I like touching you when you're big and hard," I tell him, and lean down to give him a slow and lascivious lick that he watches with unabashed hunger. "Big and hard is only bad if I'm not wet and ready." It might be bad even with all that, but I don't point that out. "Just lie back and enjoy, all right?"

  "If you are sure this is what you want—"

  I decide to show him, instead. I squeeze the crown and dip my head, licking his shaft. I suck on the side of it, abusing his tender skin. I'm rewarded with a hiss of his breath and the way he pumps his hips. Good. He's distracted again. Pleased, I run my tongue over him and decide to skip the rest of the dirty talk. I'll just use my tongue for other things.

  I lick the head of him over and over again, using my hand to steady his thick length. He really is big. Even though past events definitely made me recall parts of him a little more terrifying than they are, there's no getting around that A'tam is overly blessed in the loincloth. It's good that I'm going down on him, I decide. It lets me get reacquainted with Goliath in a comfortable way. I'm in charge, and down here, with his scent in my nose and my tongue teasing his sac, he's not a too-big alien with terrible moves. He's my A'tam, the guy that I love and resonated to. He's sweet, and if he's a little overly equipped, he wants so badly to do right by me the next time we make love.

  There are other ways we can make each other feel good until we're ready to tackle the big stuff. Literally.

  Hot pre-cum slides down the tip of his cock faster than I can lick it up, and I chuckle when he tries to thrust against my tongue. "You want me to suck on this big, fat tip?" I whisper.

  He groans as if he's dying, his hand moving to my hair and gripping tightly.

  "I'm going to take that as a yes." I swirl my tongue once more on the head of his cock and then fit my lips around it and suck.

  A'tam jerks, his breath rasping in his throat. "Br'chit," he pants. "Yes, Br'chit."

  His excitement fuels mine, and even though I thought it'd be impossible, I can fit the head of his cock inside my mouth. I take him a little deeper, using lots of spit and perseverance. If my teeth scrape the sides, he doesn't notice. He's got his eyes open now, his head lifted as he watches me take him into my mouth. His hand pins me to his cock, hand tight in my hair, but I like it. I like that his hips give the tiniest of flexes, as if he's desperate to fuck my face and can't because he doesn't want to scare me.

  And I suck on him. With my tongue and my lips, I work his cock. It's not the prettiest blowjob I've ever given, or the most skillful, but A'tam loves it. When I fit him further into my mouth, I'm surprised to feel the head of him hit the back of my throat. I didn't think that was going to be possible. I pull back, choking just a little, and then renew my efforts to make him come.

  "My mate." A'tam's body is tense under mine. "Ah, my mate." He draws the words out, almost pained, his movements tight. "Your mouth is so good."

  I squeeze his shaft with my fingers and then begin a slow pumping motion, working his length with my hand even as I work the tip with my mouth. He takes in a shuddering breath, his entire body stiffening, and I know he's close. I suck on him with renewed enthusiasm, wanting to push him over the edge. As I work him with my mouth, I slip a finger from my free hand to his balls and tickle his sac.

  His release explodes out of him. With a cry, A'tam stiffens, pushing my head and dragging my mouth farther down onto his length. My mouth fills with the hot load of his release and I pull back immediately, coughing and choking. His seed is everywhere—down my face, on my hands, on his thighs—and he collapses on the furs, his lungs heaving, as the last of his release finishes him.

  I look down at the carnage in the furs—A'tam's sweaty body, the seed pooling on his skin, the spatters on my own…and I feel rather smugly pleased. I wipe my mouth, move forward, and rub my nose against his. "Was that okay?"

  In response, he grabs me and kisses me hard. The taste of him is still in my mouth, but A'tam doesn't seem to care. "You are a wonder," he breathes, pressing his forehead to mine. "I have no words."

  "Do you love me?" I tease, unable to resist asking.

  A laugh huffs out of him. He kisses me again. "I love you, my fierce kaari. Now, more than ever, that nickname seems appropriate." His mouth turns up in a tired but teasing expression. "You latch on and never let go."

  "And you loved every moment of it."

  He groans again, looking utterly sated. "Oh, I did."



  I feel as if I am peeling away the layers of my mate's secrets with each kiss and caress. With each moan or sigh of pleasure, I tell myself I must remember this. I need to memorize the touches she likes, the sounds she makes when my mouth is on her. Now that I know what her true pleasure looks like when she comes, I will settle for nothing less.

  I do not know how I did not see it before. Br'chit has always enjoyed kissing, but I have not seen her climax as I have this night. I wake her from her sleep twice more, hungry for her body, and use my fingers to make her come. Even though I long to push my cock deep into the tight channel of her cunt, I will not until she is ready for it. For now, fingers and kisses make her soft and yieldin
g in my arms…and she rewards me with kisses and caresses on my cock.

  I wake up the next morning, sleep-poor but very, very happy. My Br'chit is in my arms, her mane tousled, the secrets stick next to her in the furs. We have forgotten all about the thing, I realize as I pick it up. Even as I do, I lean over Br'chit and she lets out a hungry little sigh, turning toward me in her sleep. Her teats look soft and inviting, and I cannot resist running the stick over them, toying with the tips.

  They tighten immediately and she lets out a sleepy whimper.

  My cock is hard, as it always is in the morning, and her inviting body is a temptation I cannot resist. I slide the stick lower, to the cradle of her thighs, and rub the smooth end between the folds of her cunt. Her mouth opens in a silent cry, and her eyes flutter open. "Wh-wha…A'tam?"

  "Let me pleasure you," I murmur, teasing her ear with my tongue. "Let me make you feel good."

  She moans, rolling onto her back, and spreading her thighs a bit more. I feast on the sight of her, on those pebble-tipped teats, on the flex of her belly, the rocking of her hips as she works herself against the shaft. It is the most beautiful, most erotic sight, and I lean in to capture her mouth with mine. Our tongues meet and dance and she clings to me as I work her cunt with the shaft of the stick. When she comes a short time later, it is with a wrung-out little cry that makes me feel as if I am taller than any mountain. She clings to me, panting as she catches her breath, and I press small kisses to her skin and tell her how lovely she is, how perfect, how pleased she makes me.

  Br'chit lets out a little sigh and rubs her face against my neck. "Now should we do you?"

  "Mmmm." I toss the stick aside, running my hand along the curve of her thigh. "The sun is up. Should we dress soon? Are you hungry?"

  "I can wait," she says, sitting up and turning to look at me. Br'chit smiles and gets on her knees, her hand sliding between my thighs. "What I want to know is—"