Fire in Her Eyes Read online

Page 17

  She cries out.

  I grunt, and go still, because she feels so good that I almost lose control. Her cunt’s clenching hard around me, and I can’t stay still for long. Being in her, knowing she’s so close? It makes me frantic to drive her over the edge again. I put one hand on her hip, grabbing a handful of her hair with the other, and love the gasp she makes, and how her cunt tightens around me.

  I’m manhandling her, just a little. She won’t break, though, and she loves it. She’s not human. She’s strong. So I throw caution to the wind and fuck her hard and fast. Each stroke into her is rough and unforgiving and her thoughts fill with so much pleasure and need that it makes me push harder, faster.

  She comes again, thighs quaking, moments before I do, too. My seed boils out of me, harder than I’ve ever come before, and the pleasure wafting through her thoughts only intensifies things. I come so hard and so much that my release slides down her thighs, wetting our joined bodies, and still I can’t stop pumping into her.

  Never stop, she tells me.

  I never want to. She’s mine and I’m hers, and that’s the way it is.



  My belly fires wake me from a deep sleep.

  Come to Fort Dallas, they tell me. Leave your mate behind. Come to the walls, to the human hive. I will teach you everything you need to know. I will teach you how to get home—

  Teva? Gabe’s sleepy thoughts push through mine and he pulls me closer, tucking me against his chest. Go back to sleep, baby girl.

  I push out the noise of my belly fires and curl against my mate, obeying him.



  I’m far more settled the next day.

  No, not settled. Happy. I wear my mate’s scent all over me, and he is covered in mine as he sits next to me. His thoughts constantly connect with my own, small touches reminding me that he is close nearby, and his thoughts fluctuate back to mating with me as often as mine are focused on him. His hand is heavy on the back of my neck as I eat my morning meal, but it makes me feel so good. It feels right.

  For the first time in forever, I feel possessed. Owned. And I feel such joy. I love Gabe’s forcefulness. I love the way he’s taken control of things. I need no challenge when he constantly reminds me that he’s in control, and his control makes me feel calm and happy.

  And aroused.

  I watch Kael’s mate feed their child, but even the hard, gnawing envy of yesterday seems faded. My brother has a child. Perhaps soon I will have a child of my own, one with Gabe’s dark hair and strong golden eyes. I like that idea.

  And will you raise it in the human hive? my brother asks. Your mate has told mine that he has a home where others are waiting for him.

  He cares for the elders in his hive, I admit. He hunts for them and provides for them. If he wishes to return, I will…endure it. Once, the thought of being in Gabe’s human hive surrounded by other humans filled me with loathing, but I am less angry about it now. It means a lot to Gabe, and I want to make him happy.

  Humans are fragile and need a lot of care, Kael admits. Sometimes my Claudia misses her hive. Mostly her sister. Amy is at your mate’s hive, you know. It is territory already claimed by another male dragon.

  Then we will find territory nearby. I refuse to change my mind about such things. I will trust in my mate and his people. Once I am comfortable in my battle form again, all will be well.

  If your bond with your mate is strong, he will be enough to keep you from losing control. Claudia is able to bring me back when I am close to losing myself.

  Yes, my belly fires whisper.

  It is the darker voice again. The angrier one. I hate that it’s in my head.

  It is safe to change. Use your bond with your mate and spread your wings once more.

  I…I do not know.

  Who are you talking to, baby girl? Gabe’s thoughts push forward into mine, overwhelming everything else. Our connection is strong—incredibly so—to the point that he drowns out Kael’s amused reaction. I don’t mind, though. I like that strong, forceful connection between us. I even like his silly nickname for me. More than that, I like the way that he reaches for my hand at the table and rubs his thumb over the back of my hand. Today, for the first time, it feels like a true mating.

  My belly fires, I tell him. It is nothing. You made them go away.

  He is unhappy that they speak to me, I can tell. It permeates his thoughts and his body is stiff. What do they say to you?

  They say I should try my wings, I admit. That I should trust you to keep me anchored and that you will not let me lose myself.

  I can feel him relax. Do you want to try it?

  My eyes meet his across the table. Do you think it is safe?

  Your brother is here. Will he try to help if you lose control?

  I relay the idea to Kael, who paces restlessly behind his mate, chewing on a bit of meat. He is not the type to sit and idly eat. There is too much energy pent up in him, his mind constantly going. He is exhausting to be around like this, but perhaps that explains why his mate is so very calm all the time—she is keeping him reined.

  Kael scowls at me from across the table. She has plenty of fire in her veins. Do not worry for my Claudia. If she is calm, it is because of Sallavatri, not because she is meek.

  I snort. I did not say she was meek. Now you are picking a fight.

  He blinks at me, and then his mouth curves into a faint smile. So I am. This feels familiar.

  That is because you are my older brother and you have always nagged me.

  Teva? Gabe presses. What did he say?

  Oh. I have become distracted. I focus my thoughts and concentrate on my brother. Do you think Gabe is right? Is it safe for me to try to switch to my battle form?

  There is one way to find out. Kael’s eyes whirl with a mix of colors. I will not let you harm my mate or my child, if that is what you worry about.

  I think of my mate, I admit. If something should go wrong, promise me you will ensure that he is safely brought back to his hive.

  My Claudia would have it no other way.

  I take a deep breath and meet Gabe’s eyes. They are pure gold, shining and reminding me that he is putting his trust in me. I do not want to let him down.

  You can do it, my belly fires say. Then you will be free.

  I will try it if you go with me, I say to Gabe, and send him an image of me holding him in my claws.

  He nods, all confidence. “Let’s give it a whirl.”

  * * *

  I remove my soft human dress and stand in the open area, where the roof of the building falls away and reveals nothing but bright blue sky. I gaze up at it, longing to be up there. But…do I want it bad enough to lose myself once more? What if this does not work and I never see my Gabe again?

  Warm hands touch my neck, and then Gabe stands in front of me, his eyes meeting mine. “That isn’t going to happen,” he murmurs. “I’m in control, remember? I decide if you get to cut loose, and I won’t let you.”

  I nod, relieved.

  “I’m yours. You’re mine. It’s that simple.”

  You are mine and I am yours, I repeat, letting those be the words that guide me. You are mine. I am yours.

  I won’t lose you now that I have you—really have you. And Gabe grins at me, taking my hands in his. He grips my wrists tight for a moment, reminding me of how he held me down as we mated last night and again this morning. How he conquered me in our bed in his human way over and over again.

  And my body flushes with need and yearning.

  Save it for later, baby girl. We’ll have fun once you’ve spread your wings. He leans forward and gives me a fierce kiss on the mouth, then steps back. Do your thing.

  There’s nothing but confidence in his thoughts, and that bolsters me. I can do this. I can. I glance over at Kael, but my brother’s face is impassive, his thoughts closed to me. If he has doubts, he will not share them. I do not know if it truly is doubt, though, or if
he is simply closing his mind so he is not drawn in if I do lose control. He has a mate and a child to think of, so I understand.

  I close my eyes and reach for my battle form. It’s so easy. It feels as if it should be harder, given how much I’ve yearned to shift forms in the last few days and held myself back. But it’s as simple as breathing in a breath and back out once more. My body becomes powerful, my wings unfurl, and then I launch myself into the air with a push of my strong hind legs.

  Then I am airborne, my wings catching the wind, and I feel such intense pleasure that it echoes through me like fire. I am lost in the pleasure of my battle form, of the scents that seem crisper now, of the fire that churns in my belly, ready to release at any moment—


  Gabe’s call slices through the fog in my mind. The overwhelming pleasure of battle form recedes, just a little, and as it does, my mind clears.

  My mate waits below. He will keep me focused so I do not lose myself.

  I soar through the air for a moment longer and then move toward the building, where Gabe awaits me. Kael hovers nearby, and his mate has disappeared into their nest—no doubt hiding to protect their child in case I do not have control.

  But I want to laugh with joy, because with Gabe’s mind touching mine, control is so easy. It is laughable, really. We have feared over nothing, I tell him, delighted. I am myself, am I not?

  You are. I’m proud of you, baby girl.

  I can feel his pride like a warm caress, and it fills me with even more joy.

  I land on the ledge high above, and when he raises his arms, I lean in and gently scoop him up in my claws, my grip light around his waist. Shall we go flying?

  If you want.

  Oh, I want. I want more than anything…well, almost anything. I send Gabe a bolt of pure lust even as I soar into the air once more. Perhaps we shall find someplace private to make a nest for ourselves, I tell him, flooding his mind with images of us mating.

  Gabe chuckles, the sound ripped away by the wind, but I feel it in his mind. Let’s just practice the flying again, all right? Plenty of time to mate when we get back.

  Silly human, I tease him. A female in her battle form is always primed to mate. Enjoy my color. Am I not the most glorious, enticing red you have ever seen?

  You’re utterly gorgeous and you know it. Gabe’s amusement is unruffled.

  I sail through the skies, the breeze turning and suddenly filled with dozens of unfamiliar dragons and their scent. It is the ones nearby that roost, waiting for a brush of Sallavatri’s mind against theirs. I touch my thoughts to theirs, gently, and find nothing but chaos, but it is easier to draw away, easier to focus on Gabe and avoid sinking too deep.

  You’re doing fantastic, he reassures me even as I fly higher. You’re strong and brave and you’re killing it.

  What am I killing?

  It’s an expression, he says, his laughter faint on the wind. It means you’re doing amazing.

  I let his amused pleasure wash over me as we fly higher, heading for the puffy clouds that dot the skies. I can do this all day long, I think. Soaring with my mate through the beautiful day and exploring the remnants of the human hive without getting lost to madness? It is utter pleasure.

  And all because we are finally joined as one. I lift my mate to my snout and even now, his scent seems more mixed than before, our scents mingled so much that it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins. We are truly mated. I can smell my scent all over you.

  We can always “reapply” when we get alone together, he teases. I’d happily use my mouth on you if you promise to make more of those sweet noises.

  My delight rushes through me, so joyful that I spout flame instead of laughing. Gabe’s thoughts flare for a moment, but then he settles back into my claws. He’s trusting me, letting me lead as much as I like…even though we both know he is in control. He knows through our connection that my actions are ones of pleasure and not because I am losing myself.

  You are strong, my belly fires whisper into my thoughts. Strong and capable. You soar through the skies, higher than all the others, do you not?

  I am higher than all the rest. The others cling to the buildings, bored and unfocused, and Kael circles his nest, protecting his mate.

  They do not have the spirit you do, my belly fires tease coyly. How high can you go?

  As high as I like.

  Teva? Gabe asks.

  Can you go high enough to touch the Rift?

  Why…why would I want to do that? I am confused for the first time, not just because the question is an odd one, but because my belly fires have changed in tone. They are harder, different. Almost as if they have been pretending to be my friend.

  Now, they want something from me.

  Higher, they urge. Climb to the stars. Go to the Rift. See if you can go through back to your home.

  Almost as if compelled, I soar higher. Why should I not? I am strong and powerful and the day is lovely. The Rift seems impossibly far away, though, the open wound of it in the sky repelling me even as I fly toward it.



  Teva? Gabe calls for me. How high are we going?

  As high as we can, I tell him. Why not? I can feel that my belly fires are pleased with this decision. I won’t go through the Rift—not with Gabe in my claws—but I want to see if I can reach it.

  Go through anyhow, the belly fires urge. If you can get close enough, why stop?

  Why…stop? The idea is fascinating. What if home waits on the other side, and all I have to do is fly hard and fly high? But if I do manage to make it to the Rift and I go through…what happens to Gabe?

  It doesn’t matter, my belly fires whisper.

  That is the wrong thing to say. Because I think of the seven years I have lost to madness, and I imagine watching my Gabe in the same situation, and it makes me sick. I falter, losing altitude. I would not wish that madness on anyone.

  Teva. Gabe’s thoughts are a cool balm to my fevered ones. I didn’t even realize I was close to losing control until his mind touched mine and made me realize just how distracted I am. And somehow, I’ve flown so high that even the clouds are thin. The air is thin. It is bitterly cold.

  Higher, my belly fires urge. Faster.

  Teva. Who is talking to you? Gabe’s thoughts grow hard. Stern. Answer me.

  Belly fires, I tell him absently, even as the voice quietly urges me to go higher. Higher. I tilt my wings to gain even more height, using powerful strokes to scale the next cloud. The Rift looks no closer than it ever was, but I am so high up that surely—

  TEVA. Gabe’s command sears through my mind. Stop this.


  The realization is a terrible one. Somehow, my belly fires continue to silently urge me on, and it is like I am helpless to obey. It is almost as if I have no control over myself. Help me, Gabe.

  Am I your mate?

  Gabe’s simple question slices through the insistence in my mind. It silences the belly fires. Of course you are.

  Then listen to me. You’re killing us, Teva. You can’t fly this high. The air is thin. Your wings are growing tired. You’ve done great, but let’s pack it in for today, okay? His hand caresses my scales, and his fingers are cold. His lungs hurt. Mine do, too.

  But the Rift—

  Will be there tomorrow. Let’s go home. Just you and I. Together.

  Do you not want to save your people, Teva? my belly fires ask.

  Ignore that voice, Gabe tells me sharply. Concentrate on me. Breathe in my scent. Take me home, Teva. Let’s go find a bed and then I’ll cover that pretty throat of yours with my bite. Remember what we said last night? You are mine, I am yours. Repeat it after me.

  I let Gabe’s focused thoughts wash over me, leading the way. He’s right. The Rift will be there tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that. I have done enough for now. I want to go home with my mate and let him caress me. I want to make a baby with him. You are mine,
I tell him.

  And the rest? His mind is unyielding, so strong and reassuring.

  I…am yours. I change the angle of my wings and glide lower, spiraling downward through the clouds. I can feel Gabe’s approval and it fills me with pleasure.

  You did great, baby girl. We’ll talk more about things when we get home. Let’s just get back to Kael’s nest, all right?

  I nuzzle him, and notice that my belly fires have gone silent. I don’t miss them. Sometimes I wish they would leave me alone entirely. The only voice I want in my head is Gabe’s.

  Then focus on me, and let me handle everything.

  I do. I focus on my Gabe, my handsome mate, as I take us carefully back down through the clouds and toward Kael’s home. I breathe in his scent, ignoring that of the other dragons nearby and how their thoughts press wildly against my own, as if seeking traction. I focus on Gabe and only Gabe, and I feel his relief when I land atop the building and carefully set him down on the floor below.

  Come with me, he says, voice firm. Change and come stand beside me, because we need to talk.

  I shift forms, returning to my weaker two-legged one, and jump down to the floor. Even this does not seem as bothersome as before, simply because I approach my handsome mate. He looks me up and down, then cups my face and gazes into my eyes.

  “Are you all right?”

  I am puzzled by his question. Why would I not be?

  “The voice you were talking to—you say it’s your belly fires, but it wasn’t you. It’s a different voice entirely.” Gabe shakes his head, disturbed. “And your eyes changed colors.”

  Colors? I ask, confused. I see Kael and his mate approach from behind, and the human female asks Gabe what color my eyes turned.

  “Gray. Not black, not gold, but just plain gray.”

  She looks at my brother, and I feel Kael’s displeasure. The Salorian, my brother explains.


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