Bridget's Bane: A SciFi Alien Romance Read online

Page 25

  I refuse to accept any other possibilities.

  Even if things aren't…fun…I still have to go through with resonance. My khui won't stop humming and making me crazy without fulfilling resonance. That means pregnancy. We've put it off for a week now, and I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stand it. Just being in the same room as A'tam is wildly distracting. Sex with him, no matter how many orgasms, feels like never enough, because the khui isn't satisfied. I constantly feel as if I'm on edge, my skin sensitized and flushed. My sleep is restless. I stumble when I walk.

  Basically, I'm a mess. This is how the khui works. It's not going to let me rest until it's prime directive is fulfilled. Until then, I'll grow continually more distracted, more twitchy, more hormonal, until I can't stand it any longer. Liz mentioned that one couple in the other tribe—Josie and Haeden—went a month without fulfilling their resonance. I cannot even imagine. If I feel this frayed and restless after a week, I can only imagine how godawful they must have felt after a month.

  It's not that I don't want A'tam, either. I do.

  Just…not all of him.

  But I know that's not an option. So I take a deep, calming breath, and curl up under the furs, waiting for A'tam. As I do, I think about my mate. I think about how much I adore him, and how much pleasure he's given me in this last week. How happy he makes me. Whatever happens tonight, I want it to go well for him, because I love him.

  He's not the same A'tam he was from a few months ago. He'll make sure I have a good time.



  H'nah will not stop talking.

  I force myself to listen, even though I want nothing more than to shake the female—and her agreeable mate—as they speak. It is my fault, I remind myself. I asked about the fruit cave. H'nah and J'shel spent several days there and talk about its warmth and greenery, and the fruits dripping from vines. Of the warm pool to bathe in. I think my Br'chit would love to visit such a place, and so I inquire about the best and easiest route there.

  But H'nah loves to talk. She means well, but I want to leave the gathering. I want to go and join my mate, who left early. I need to make sure she feels well. What if something upset her stomach? I can make her tea and tuck her under the furs. I can rub her back until she feels better…but not if I am trapped here in a conversation.

  To my dismay, Shail arrives, joining in the conversation. "You guys are talking about the fruit caves? Do you think you are going back soon? Because my stores of dried fruit are running low and I'd love to get more."

  "Oh!" H'nah exclaims, her face lighting up. "We were just talking to A'tam about making a trip! I'm sure we could go back when the weather turns, though we might have to wait until the worst of the brutal season passes. What do you need? Maybe we have some of it in stores?"

  J'shel's mouth twitches and he glances over at me. His eyes seem to say “I understand.” After all, he is newly mated, too. He knows what it is like to want to track down your mate and smother her with kisses.

  I try to listen politely as the two females begin to talk about leaves and fruit and making something called a com-pote. My tail twitches, and I glance toward the entrance of the longhouse. No sign of Br'chit, but she is not one to rejoin a gathering. If she does not feel well, she will not hunt me down and demand that I spend time with her. She will suffer in silence, because she is not good at asking for things.

  "I'm sure Vaza and I would love to go with you two. I'm getting a little stir-crazy around camp," Shail says. "If you don't mind a couple with a baby tagging along, we'd enjoy a trip."

  "We should plan it out, then," H'nah says, beaming. "Right, love?" She reaches over and touches J'shel's long braid.

  He leans over and presses a kiss to his mate's shoulder. "I think A'tam's mate needs him. Can we talk it over in the morning?"

  H'nah blinks, looking over at me. As if for the first time, she seems to notice my impatience. "Oh goodness, of course. I haven't forgotten what it's like to resonate." She blushes and bites her lip, looking over at J'shel.

  He just grins, which makes her give a flustered giggle. J'shel turns to me, a smile playing on his lips. "We will talk of such things in the morning, yes?"

  I am utterly grateful for his understanding. Perhaps Tall Horn—J'shel's clan—is not quite as foolish as I thought. I give him an eager nod, murmur my goodbyes to the females, and pick my way out of the dwindling crowd. Most of those left in the longhouse are those that do not have small children. R'ven and U'dron's music has gotten louder, the dancing more festive. F'lor and S'ssah are sharing a skin of sah-sah with Sam and R'jaal. In the corner, N'deen and Th'rand are all over each other, and W'lla sits on Gren's lap, a drowsy smile on her face. Even O'jek seems to be having fun…or at least D'see is. She weaves little bits of shell into a braid by his ear, her expression focused as I'rec tells a story to both of them.

  I look at the group and I realize…it is a good one. I am happy. It reminds me of faint memories from before, of clan gatherings. Of all four clans feasting the night before sending off hunters for the proving games.

  We are a people again, I realize, and emotion chokes my throat. It does not matter that all the faces I see are not Shadow Cat clan. Some are Tall Horn. Some are Strong Arm. Some are red. A'tar is gold and scaled. Many are hyoo-man or sa-khui. And yet…they are all my family. We care for each other and work together to make life better, just like any clan would. We hunt and fish together. We play silly games and drink tea by the fire together.

  And soon, Br'chit and I will have a child that will be of this new clan.

  I feel some of the brittleness in my heart fall away at this realization. The old ways are not gone. They will be added to new ways, and the clans will go on. More Shadow Cat will be born, and more will join us when O'jek and I'rec resonate. Maybe over time, even the outcasts will join us all. That will be interesting.

  If nothing else, life on this cold, frozen beach is always interesting. It is never dull, never the same thing day in and day out…and I like that.

  My spirit light, I jog across the beach, heading for the hut I share with my mate.



  When I duck into my hut, Br'chit sits by the fire, completely wrapped in furs. She looks up when I enter, but the smile on her lips does not reach her eyes.

  "What is wrong?" I ask, immediately worried. I drop to my knees beside her and brush my knuckles over her cheek. Her khui hums loudly at my arrival, and mine picks up its song. That is good, at least. I caress her soft face. "Did O'jek's food sit badly in your belly? Do you need medicinal tea? Should I go get some from the healer?"

  "I'm okay," she says, voice soft. She leans into my touch, her eyes closing, and she smiles again. "Just a little nervous."

  "Nervous? Why?" It seems a strange thing to me. "Did someone say something to you at the feast?" The thought makes me angry. No one understands that behind Br'chit's sharp tongue, she hides so much doubt. That careless words can harm her and make her cry. This distresses me. "Do I need to talk to someone and correct them?" I lower my voice and lean in. "Did they call you by the wrong name again?" I have tried to educate everyone, but perhaps someone slipped. If so, I will make it my goal to ensure that no one slips again, even if I must go around and glare at everyone on the beach. I do not like it when Br'chit hurts.

  Her expression softens, and she smiles up at me. This time, she touches my face, her fingers stroking my beard. "You really are the sweetest sometimes, you know that?"

  "So you are not upset?" I ask, a little confused.

  "I'm nervous…because of this." Br'chit tosses the furs off her shoulders and gets to her feet.

  I wait for her to do something. When she does not, I peer behind her. "What is it?"

  She gestures at her body. "My clothes! I wore them for you!"

  For the first time, I notice her coverings. They…do not seem very practical. Her teats are squashed between leather straps and bubble over the top, as if desperate to escap
e their confinement. The skirt she wears is not very warm, either. It will not even cover her thighs, and there is no place for her to put her hands if they get cold.

  And I know Br'chit, and she will get cold. "I do not wish to hurt your feelings," I begin, wondering how best to point this out. "But this does not seem like the wisest thing to wear."

  My fierce little kaari wilts. Her shoulders slump and the look on her face grows dejected. "You don't like it?"

  "I would rather you be warm," I point out. "And covered. You will not be able to hunt anything in these leathers." I get to my feet and gesture at her teats. "You look as if a strong breeze will cause your teats to tumble free. And your legs will grow chilled the moment you step into the snows." I shake my head. "I do not mean to be unkind, but if you need hides for leather, I will find you some. We will make you a nice warm, long skirt with much fur on it."

  She stares at me. Really stares. After a long moment, she touches my chest. "I'm not going hunting in this, A'tam." Her voice sounds suspiciously choked. "I wore it because I wanted to be sexy. For you." Br'chit trails a finger down my chest. "For tonight."

  I do not under…oh.


  I stare down at her top, at the knot that is the only thing keeping her teats from bursting out of the leather harness. I want to say something clever. I want to tell her that of course I knew this, that I was just testing her. Instead, all I say is "Oh."

  Br'chit's mouth twitches. She puts a finger under my chin, lifting my head so our eyes meet. "Now, look again. What do you think of my clothing?" She takes a step back and runs her hands over her teats, plumping and bouncing them before my eyes. Her hands slide to her skirt, to that tiny scrap of fur, and she turns around and wiggles her bottom at me. The fur ripples even as her flesh does, and it is…enticing.

  "I see now." I reach for her, feeling foolish. "I thought this was a human custom of some kind."

  "Oh, it is. It's just for wearing in private." She skates out of my grip, moving over to the furs. As she walks, my gaze follows the flex of her bottom, emphasized by the fur. It is rather entrancing. "Just for wearing for you."

  My cock—always half-hard in her presence—roars to life at the way she says that. For me. "I want to put my fingers on your cunt," I tell her, breath rapid. "I want to kiss you and touch you until you come. You can wear that while I do it."

  Br'chit chuckles, and the sound is low and teasing. She holds a hand out for me, enticing me. "Come over here."

  I do not need to be told twice. I practically trip over my own feet in my haste to get to her side. I put my hands on her waist, but she shakes her head and puts her hand on my shoulder, indicating I should lower myself to the furs. I do so, easing down to my knees. Immediately, I clutch her legs, pressing my mouth to her belly. "Let me tongue your cunt."

  "Soon," Br'chit whispers, and touches her fingers to my chin again. "Lie back for me, love."

  I growl, frustrated, even as I lower onto my back. I glare up at her, propped up on my elbows. "Only if you promise to sit on my face."

  She sucks in a breath, her eyes going wide as she stares down at me. A little whimper escapes her. "Okay, your idea might be better than mine."

  I run my hand up and down her bare thigh, petting her. My tail flicks against the furs, and I twine it around her ankle, desperate to own her, to claim her any way I can. "What was your idea?"

  "I was going to kiss you all over," Br'chit says, leaning over me. Her mane tumbles around her face, a dark cloud obscuring her features as she leans in and brushes her lips against mine. "Kiss you all over and then maybe take you in my mouth again until you come…at least for the first time."

  I like that idea, too. I slide my hand up under that fluffy little scrap of skirt and clench her rounded bottom. She fits into my palm perfectly, the rounded shape of her bottom so pleasurable to squeeze. "First time?"

  She nods, her eyes wide as she gazes down at me. "And then the second time, I want you to come inside me."

  I freeze, not entirely sure I heard her correctly. I look down at her clothing, at the slight tension on her face, at the searching expression in her gaze. She is looking to me to reassure her, I realize, because she is still afraid.

  Afraid…but she wants me.

  I am torn between grabbing her and hugging her to me, and kissing the breath out of her. My beautiful, perfect mate. I stroke her thighs with both my hands, massaging up and down her legs, my thumbs sliding along the insides of her thighs. "I think we will do my idea first," I tell her. "You straddle my face and rock against my mouth until you come, and then when you are soft and wet and ready, we will talk about the rest."

  Br'chit whimpers, leaning over to kiss me. Her mouth is frantic on mine, and I let my thumbs graze all the way up her skirt. She wears nothing underneath, and her cunt is already warm and inviting…but not slick. She is too nervous for slick.

  Nothing else is going to happen until she is a waterfall, I vow silently.

  "I want us to do this," she whispers against my mouth between kisses. "I need you, A'tam. I just…I don't know…"

  "Shhh," I murmur. I kiss her back, rubbing my hands over her skin again and again. If I could swallow her fears inside my mouth, I would. All I can do is kiss her and offer gentle words of affection. And touching. Lots of touching. "There is no rush, my fierce little kaari. If you are not ready for tonight, then we do not do it tonight."

  "But I know you want more—"

  "And I told you I am willing to wait." I pull my hands out from under her skirt and wrap my arms around her waist. This time, I pull her against me and roll our twined bodies until she is under me on the furs. Br'chit relaxes a little at that, watching me, and I lean in for another kiss. "I would much rather taste my mate all over and make her come and listen to her cries of pleasure than watch you with fear in your eyes, my heart."

  "I'm really trying to be brave, as stupid as that sounds." Her voice is low and shaky.

  "I know. And I am not asking for more." I stroke my hand through her hair, petting her. "I do not like the fear in your eyes, Br'chit. Let me make your body feel good. Nothing more needs to happen."

  Her lower lip trembles as she gazes up at me. "I love you, A'tam. You're so good to me."

  "No, I am selfish and greedy and do not listen. But I am getting better." I lean down and kiss her soft, worried mouth. "We both are. But until it is perfect, we do not have to do anything." I tug at her lower lip with my fangs, because I know she likes that. "We can simply kiss, and touch, and enjoy."

  "Okay." Her voice is shaky, but growing in confidence. She reaches up and strokes my beard again. "I do like kissing."

  I grin at her. "And I want nothing more than to kiss you, everywhere." I run my knuckles along the soft swells of her teats that push out of the strange binding she wears. I do have to admit that they look enticing like this, all puffed up and eager. I rub her skin, and when she lets out a little sigh, I pull the knot apart.

  Her teats spill forth, bouncing against her skin, and the dusky tips immediately pucker and harden under my gaze. "I like your leathers, but I think I like you better without them."

  She arches on the furs, reaching for me, her teats rising as if demanding to be petted. She does not need to ask twice. I stroke her soft skin, brushing my fingertips over the nipples that I now know are incredibly sensitive. I tease them until they are tiny points, and when she pants my name, I lean over and take one in my mouth.

  The cry Br'chit lets out is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

  With a fierce growl, I nuzzle at her softness, using my lips and the gentle scraping of my teeth to make her wild with need. With every action I take with my mouth, I use my hand to give her other teat the same attention. My mate wriggles and writhes under me, unable to stay still, and her breath is full of soft whimpers that entice me to do more.

  "A'tam, your mouth feels so good," she tells me, her voice soft and full of wonder. It is as if she never quite believes it when she gets
pleasure in my arms, and I hate that she even doubts. From now on, I will not get relief until Br'chit does. There are many things I must do to ensure my mate's happiness, but I will do them all gladly if it gets a response like this.

  I nibble at one tip and then soothe it with a lick. "Do you need the secrets stick this night?" I ask her. "Should I get it? Or will you tell me what you like without it?"

  Her eyes flutter open and she meets my gaze. "We don't need it…I'll speak."

  "And I will listen," I promise her, because I know we are both responsible. My mate gives me a little smile of understanding, and I love the sight of it. I lean forward and kiss her, loving the feel of her mouth under mine, the way she gently yields to me. My khui sings urgently, full of hunger and demanding for me to claim my mate. Soon, I tell it.

  Br'chit comes first.

  Her khui is singing loudly, too, and when I slide a hand to her teat and cup it, I can feel the song vibrating through her body. She moans, her hands going to my mane, and she clings to me as we kiss again. "More," she breathes. "I need more."

  I kiss her again. "Then come and sit on my face."

  Her cheeks flush, but the look on her face is both excitement and uncertainty. "Are you sure?"

  "I am sure I have wanted nothing more in my entire life." I take her hand and ease her up, until she is sitting upright. I press small kisses to her bare skin, sliding the loose harness off her shoulders. "I am sure that I want your taste. I am sure that I want to breathe in your scent and revel in it. I am sure that when I die, I wish to go out as an utterly content hunter, with one hand on my spear and my mouth on your cunt. So yes, I am sure."

  She gives a little chuckle. "On your spear, huh?"

  "Mmm." I grin at her. "Will you let me kiss you everywhere? Lick you everywhere? Give you all the pleasure I should have been giving you all this time?"


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