Bridget's Bane: A SciFi Alien Romance Read online

Page 27

  She trembles, but after a moment she nods. "I love you. I want this—us—to work."

  "Then trust me." I kiss her gently, even though every bone in my body is screaming for me to toss her onto her back and climb over her. "Do you?"


  "Then get onto your belly for me." Just saying the words aloud makes heat pour through me, as if I have stepped into the fire. It has a similar effect on her. She whimpers but does as I command, rolling onto her stomach and presenting me with her rounded ass. She places her cheek against the furs and looks over at me, waiting.




  With a pleased growl, I get on my knees. The moment I do, she trembles, and I run my hands over her body, stroking her. "I will say what I am doing every step of the way," I promise her. "There will be no surprises."

  She relaxes a little as I caress her, eyes closing. "That feels good. I love how strong your hands are."

  I glance down at my hands, but they just look like hands to me. Still, her words please me. "I like that you enjoy my touch." I stroke up and down her spine. "I am going to lift your hips."

  Br'chit makes a nervous sound. "I can do that, you know." She gets up on her knees, her face still low to the blankets. The position raises her bottom into the air.

  The sight is enough to make me think of pottery again. "Mud," I mutter as I palm her buttocks. "Broken pottery. Shards. Ash. Lots of ash." She gives a little giggle and wiggles her bottom at me, and I groan. "I am going to push your thighs apart, Br'chit. If you hurt or are afraid, tell me to stop and I will."

  "I'm okay," she says softly.

  Entranced, I run my hands over her flanks again and then nudge her legs wide, moving between them. My cock is so close to her entrance that just the sight makes fresh pre-cum leak down the head. I keep my hands on her soft skin, rubbing, since she seems to like that. Her bottom is in the air, and I can see the pucker of her bottom, and underneath that, the wet seam of her cunt, swollen and pink. Beautiful.

  "I have you," I promise her as I rub her soft skin.

  "I know."

  I take myself in hand. "I am going to touch my cock to your cunt," I tell her. Perhaps if I rub it against her folds, she will grow used to the feel of me against her skin. "I will not put it inside you yet."

  She shifts on the furs. "All right."

  I press the head of my cock against her folds and…nearly lose control. My breath bellows and I take deep, gulping lungfuls as I struggle to control myself. Not yet. Not yet. I squeeze an eye open as I slick the head through her softness, because I have to watch. I have to look at the sight of my mate's pretty, swollen cunt rubbing against my cock.

  Br'chit makes a noise and glances back at me, her body tensing.

  "Do not look if it will scare you," I remind her. "My cock is big, but no bigger than any other male's. If you do not look, it will not frighten you."

  "Says the man who hasn't had it rearranging his insides," she mutters, but she shifts her weight on her knees and closes her eyes again. "Are you going to put it in?"

  "I am. Just…relax." I know what I ask is impossible, but feeling her tense under my hands is frustrating, because if her body is tight, there is no way I will be able to do this without hurting her.

  "Right. Relaxing." She takes a deep, deep breath and then sighs, some of the tension slipping out of her.

  I rub her bottom again, my hands making circles as I knead her soft flesh. I whisper to her all the things I am doing as I run my hand up the inside of her thigh and press my fingers into the well of her cunt again. She is still not as wet as I would like, so I tell her all the things I have dreamed about doing to her and I play with her clit until she is slick once more. When she is ready, I rub my wet hand up and down my cock, because surely a little more slickness cannot hurt things, and press the head against her entrance.

  "Relaxing," Br'chit chants, even though I do not think she is relaxing.

  I push into her tight warmth and the head of my cock sinks in easily. She is wet and warm and feels so good that I have to close my eyes and think about pottery once more. Mud, I tell myself. Mud and pottery shards and Br'chit's disappointment in how it never works. After a few moments of this, I take a deep breath and open my eyes again, sliding a hand up her back.

  She moans, and I feel every twitch of her body underneath mine. I push a little deeper, fascinated as I watch my cock stretch her cunt as I press in just a little more. "How…how does it feel?"

  "Big," she pants. "Real big."

  "This is bad?" I ask, worried. "Should I pull out?" I want nothing more than to sink into her as far as I can, but if she asks, I will do so.

  "No, not bad," she manages. "Just…big."

  Sweat trickles down my face. I rub her hips, trying to decide whether I should push forward or give up. "Tell me to stop, Br'chit," I finally say. "There must be no lies between us."

  But she only wiggles underneath me, her cunt squeezing my cock like a fist. "It…it's not bad. You can keep going. Just go slow, okay?"

  Bliss. "I will go very, very slow," I promise her. "I love you."

  She gives a little laugh that seems to shiver up and down my cock. I can feel every movement of her body, right down to the vibration of her khui, and it only adds to the exquisite hunger. "I love you, too."

  "Tell me if you are uncomfortable," I remind her, even as I continue to slowly, teeth-grittingly press forward. I hold my breath, waiting for her to say I should stop, waiting for a hiss of pain from her. I want her to like this. I want her body to accept mine. If this does not work…well, we will figure out something else.

  But I desperately want it to work.

  I am so focused on moving slowly that my body grows covered in sweat. It drips into my eyes and my grip on her hips becomes slippery. She makes a strangled noise and I stop, looking up at her. "What is it?"

  "Your spur," she pants. "It's going…ah, downtown."

  I have no idea what those words mean. Frowning, I glance down…and I see what she means. I am nearly fully seated in her, and her cunt is stretched beautifully around my shaft. My spur has pushed into the pucker of her bottom, too. Curious, I rub a finger against the spot where my spur meets her bottom. She did not sound as if she was in pain. "How does it feel?"

  Br'chit lets out another whimper when I touch her, and I know that sound. It is the sound she makes when she feels good. I rub at the spot again, watching her, and she makes the same noise. Her hips flex, and she wriggles under me. "A'tam."

  "I am here. You did not say how it feels."

  "Good," she pants. "It feels good."

  The words sound as if they are wrung out of her, which means they are true. I push in deeper, seating my cock (and my spur) inside her body. I am fully flush with her backside, sunk deep, my sac pressing up against her skin.

  Nothing has ever felt so good or so right.

  Br'chit moans. Her hands fist the furs underneath her and she clings to them. "God, you're so big."

  "Should I pull out?"

  "No," she moans again. "No. Stay in me."

  I do not need any urging for that. I rub her hips and then pull back slowly, sinking deep again. She makes a raw sound, muffled by the furs her cheek is pressed to. Her body trembles, and when I repeat the motion, she breathes my name. I am starting to recognize my mate's pleasure sounds, and I know that one. It is the sound she makes when she is close to another climax.

  Which is good, because I do not think I will last long. Not like this. Not with her cunt squeezing me from every angle, her bottom in the air and under my palms. Not when I can watch my cock drive into her wet heat, the ridges disappearing one by one. I pick up speed, thrusting into her faster and faster with every round. She breathes my name over and over again as I pump into her. "Not too big for you, am I?" I ask, breathless as I spear her with my cock again. "Tell me how my cock feels."

  She loves it when I talk to her. Her face contorts and her cunt ripples all aro
und me, squeezing tighter. "Good," she pants. "So good, A'tam."

  I grunt, her words sending a twitch through my cock. My sac feels impossibly tight and I know I will not last for much longer. I hold her hips, pounding into her with the force of my thrusts, waiting for her release. She must come first, always. Underneath me, Br'chit makes soft little cries and pushes back to meet me as we mate, our bodies desperate for release.

  "Are…you going…to come…for me?" I ask her between frantic thrusts.

  She only whimpers, squeezing the furs tight.

  I need her release as desperately as I need my own, maybe even more. As I thrust into her, I lean forward, burying my cock deeper and deeper into my mate's body. As I do, I reach around to her front, between her thighs, and seek out her clit. The moment I rub against it, she groans, and her cunt clenches tight around my cock. "Like that?" I murmur. "Like that, my pretty mate?"

  "A'taaaaam!" she cries out, the sound wild and desperate.

  I drive deep again, rubbing her clit, and when I do it the third time, I feel her body contract under mine. She ripples around me even as she makes a choked sound, and then Br'chit is coming again, gasping out my name. The sensation of her cunt tightening as she climaxes is enough to send me over, and with a growl, I drive into her again, spilling the seed I have desperately been holding back.

  Stars dance behind my eyes as I pulse into her body, filling her with my release. Nothing has ever felt so good. Nothing ever. I hold her hips to mine, rocking into her ever-so-slightly as I climax, as if I can make this last forever. When the hot, consuming pleasure ebbs and I am completely wrung out, I slide out of her body and collapse onto the furs on my back at her side.

  Br'chit moves over a step, flinging her arm over my chest, and she cuddles up against my side, twining her legs with mine.

  We lay there, sweaty and breathless and unable to move.

  This…is the best. I cannot stop the smile that curves my mouth. Maybe my cock is large, but it is not so large that I cannot give my perfect mate pleasure. It just requires a bit more work…and it is work I am happy to do.

  I feel as if I have figured out the answer to a most tricky question, and I hold her against me, pressing a kiss to her mane. "My cock is not too big after all, is it?"

  She swats at my chest. "Jesus. Are you going to keep asking me that?"

  I grin. "Yes."

  I love the tired little laugh she gives. I am such a fool. To think I have missed all her cues all this time, when I could have had this with her. All because I did not pay better attention and because I did not listen.

  I am listening from now on.



  I'm exhausted. Mentally and physically, I am utterly wiped…but in the best sort of way.

  That was…pleasant. Actually, that was amazing. I'm a little in awe that it didn't hurt. My butthole feels a wee bit violated in a naughty kind of way, but I didn't mind it. It was just new to me. But the rest of it? Toe-curling good, and all because A'tam lavished attention on me at every point and made sure I was enjoying myself. The difference between the first time I was with him and this time is like night and day.

  The first time we had sex, I just wanted to run away afterward. I hoped I'd never see him again, much less have sex with him a second time. Now, as I press my cheek to his warm, velvety chest and breathe in his scent, I'm already wondering when we can do that again. I need a few minutes to catch my breath, of course, but…yeah. I could go for another round of that sheer intensity.

  I press my lips to his chest, feeling warm and soft and tired, but most of all, feeling loved. He was so, so careful with me and he never made me feel stupid or foolish if I got nervous. Some of the things we said in the heat of the moment were probably ridiculous, but he never made me feel silly in the slightest. He just made me feel sexy and pretty and amazing and I've never been more in love. "Not to inflate your ego, but you really are the best."

  He rubs my shoulder absently. "I know."

  I can't even laugh at that. I'm not sure I have the energy, and it's not a surprising answer, given that it's A'tam. He's never exactly suffered from a lack of self-esteem. "It…it was okay for you, too? You enjoyed it?" When he looks at me like I'm crazy, I realize I'm probably asking the obvious. I duck my head against his chest. "Stupid question?"

  "You cannot tell if I enjoyed myself or not?" His hand slides between us, to my pussy, and he cups it despite the fact that I'm messy with both of our releases. "Do I need to explain what this is?"

  I push his hand away, because now he's making me blush. "I know how babies are made, thank you very much." I look up at him. "I just…want you to know I appreciate you taking your time. I guess I was worried over nothing."

  He gives my pussy a little tease with his finger before he pulls away, as if promising it more attention later. "Not over nothing. It was not good the first time for you, and I did not realize. There was no reason for you to think it would be good a second time."

  "Yeah, but a lot of my worry stemmed from me thinking I was too small to have sex with you, and that your dick was too big to be fun for anyone."

  "Not true. I always have fun with it."

  I snort-giggle at that. He's such a doofus, but I adore him. Every moment of tonight, I've felt pretty and cherished and so, so loved. "Well, I appreciate you making it fun for me."

  "I had to think of much pottery," he agrees solemnly. "It was very difficult."

  "Such a sacrifice," I tsk, teasing a circle around his nipple. "I'm so lucky to have you."

  "Pottery shards," I agree. "Mud and ash and broken pottery and clay and all those things."

  I smile absently, lost in thought. "You thought about it because you find it unsexy?"

  "Because I know how hard you work, and the thought of you frustrated over when it does not work right makes my cock sad." He rubs my back. "So I tell myself about mud and pottery pits and things like that so I can last longer."

  I almost laugh at his words…and then it hits me. I prop up on an elbow next to him, frowning. "Did you say a pottery pit?"

  A'tam looks confused. "Yes. Why?"

  "I…haven't done a pottery pit? Is that different than the fire?" I feel a hint of excitement but quickly stuff it down. It could be nothing.

  He thinks for a moment, staring up at the ceiling. "My mother…she dug a long, narrow pit. I remember it now. She would fill the pit with fluff and slow-burning bits, and then built a fire perched atop them. Once the fire burned down to nothing, she cleared it all away and dug out her pots." He looks a bit dumbstruck. "I have just now remembered."

  I drum my fingers over my mouth, excited. One of the problems with my pottery is that I can't get the temperatures just right. It's like the moment cool air hits it, the pottery shatters. Or the fire doesn't stay hot enough long enough—or it gets too hot too fast.

  But a fire over the pottery…it would keep it warm the entire time and slowly cool it, much slower than if it just sits alongside the fire.

  I jump to my feet, excited. "This could be it, A'tam!"

  The moment I am on my feet, he grabs me by the skirt I've forgotten I'm wearing and tugs me back down into the furs again. I make a sound of protest, but…not all that hard. I like being in bed with him.

  "If it is it," A'tam points out, wrapping his arms around me, "then it will wait until morning. I am not done with my mate." He rolls his weight over me and pins me down to the furs, a roguish smile on his face. "Do you hear that?"

  I listen carefully. "Hear what?"

  "My khui. Your khui."

  I concentrate…and I realize we're still humming. It's been with me for so long that I didn't realize it was still going. "Oh. We're still resonating?"

  He nods, assuming a grave expression. "It means we must try again."

  "Oh no," I mock-pout, though the idea not-so-secretly thrills me. "Must we?"

  "I shall make the very big sacrifice of putting my very large cock inside your very tight cunt again." He
shakes his head. "It is so difficult to be me."

  I smack his arm, laughing. "Oh please. You're loving every minute of this."

  "And you are not?" He takes one of my breasts and palms it, toying with the nipple.

  "I didn't say that."

  A'tam slides down my body and lowers his head so he can suck on one of the tips of my breasts. I moan, holding onto his head as he teases it into a stiff, aching peak. "Do you still want to go do pottery?"

  "It can wait," I breathe. "For a little while, at least." I run my hand through his hair. "And this time, I want to look at you when we come."

  His growl of pleasure makes my toes curl with delight.


  One Month Later


  I cradle the pot in my hands.

  It's a hideous thing. The lip isn't even in the slightest, wandering up and down as if drunken. The base is a little too flat, and the rounded belly I tried to give the pot is less round and more square. Firing the pot has just exacerbated the fact that it's ugly as shit and is showing off all the flaws.

  But it's the most beautiful thing I've ever made, and I hug it to my chest as hot tears splash from my eyes.

  "Well?" A'tam is all excitement at the top of the pit. He holds a hand out to me, and I clutch the thing to me with one hand, placing my ash-covered other one in his. Since we've decided to dig pits, we've switched caves. Pak and Juth hide out in mine on bad weather nights, and I don't have the heart to kick them out. Instead, we've quietly moved to a cave in the mountains that has the bad luck of being too close to camp to be useful as a hunter cave, but a little too far out to be used as storage. It's got a trickle of running water and the back floor is sloped enough that it wasn't too difficult to build up a small, deep trench with loose rocks.


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